neighborhood SNOW PLOW MAP

Street Snow Removal

The City of Loveland is responsible for plowing the snow off of all streets within the neighborhood. (The City owns and maintains these streets.) Per the City's current snow plow plan, the City only plows West First Street.

Snow Removal on Parks and Open Spaces

The District is responsible for plowing the snow off of all sidewalks located on the parks and open spaces within the neighborhood (marked in RED on the map below). In addition, the District is responsible for plowing the snow off of the sidewalk along the south side of W First Street as it borders the neighborhood. 

The District's policy is for snow to be removed from the sidewalks when either (1) the snow accumulation from any snow storm is greater than 2 inches or (2) temperatures will not rise above freezing for any significant amount of time within 72 hours after the snow storm. 

The District will remove snow off of District maintained sidewalks no earlier than 24 hours after the end of a snow storm.